Mysteries and Monsters: Episode 196 Dying Light: Near Death Experiences with Jason Hewlett

Aug 22, 2022, 07:00 AM

When we consider what may happen to us when we die, many people over the years have claimed to have been able to have a glimpse of what could await us on the other side through a Near Death Experience (NDEs).

Since the 1960's this phenomena has been discussed, collected and investigated from across the world and yet for some, this is nothing more than dreams or erratic brain functions in stressful situations.

In their new book Dying Light - An Investigation Into Near Death Experience, Jason Hewlett and Peter Renn set out to find what people believe they've experienced and why some scientists feel its easily explained.

Jason joins me to discuss the book, grief, trauma and the journey the book took both he and Peter on as they met experiencers, researchers and sceptics.

The book can be found here:

The website is here:  

Thank you to Jason for joining me on this episode.

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All artwork by Dean Bestall and the show was produced by Brennan Storr of the Ghost Story Guys.   

Mysteries and Monsters is a part of the Straight Up Strange Network

#JasonHewlett #PeterRenn #BeyondTheFray #DyingLight #NearDeathExperience #NDEs #Heaven #Hell #Angels Demons #TheOtherSide #Dimensions #OutOfBody