Help For Blind And Partially Sighted People Applying For Access To Work
Season 1, Episode 1353, Aug 26, 2022, 09:00 AM
For many disabled people, the Access To Work system is a lifeline of support for securing employment.
It helps cover costs like assistive technology, help with travel to work costs and even support worker costs.
The system is under pressure at the moment, which is causing a back log of applications.
RNIB Connect Radio's Allan Russell spoke with Martin O'Kane, from RNIB, to learn more about the problem and how the charity may be able to give some interimĀ help to visually impaired applicants who are struggling to get their applications actioned.
If you'd like help from RNIB, call 0303 123 9999 or email
Image: DWP logo
It helps cover costs like assistive technology, help with travel to work costs and even support worker costs.
The system is under pressure at the moment, which is causing a back log of applications.
RNIB Connect Radio's Allan Russell spoke with Martin O'Kane, from RNIB, to learn more about the problem and how the charity may be able to give some interimĀ help to visually impaired applicants who are struggling to get their applications actioned.
If you'd like help from RNIB, call 0303 123 9999 or email
Image: DWP logo