Why and how you should spend time with God

Episode 27,   Sep 01, 2022, 04:00 AM

Have you ever wondered how to hear from God, or why He seems to always want our time? In this episode, Jasmine breaks down the concept of quality time with God.

1. There's a difference between doing things for God and with God. (Luke 10:38-42)
2. When God says He's faithful, He means it. 
3. Spending time with God is the LEAST we can do. 
4. There is ALWAYS a benefit to spending time with THE SOURCE.

How I spend time with God:
1. Worship. 
2. Give thanks.
3. Silence everything and sit expectantly. 
4. Have something to write on and with. Record everything that comes to mind. 
5. Bring your open-ended topics.