Regulated Liabilities and the Future of Digital Money

Episode 2,   Sep 05, 2022, 09:00 AM

In this episode, host Jannah Patchay, Policy Lead and one of the originating members of the Digital Pound Foundation speaks to Tony McLaughlin, Managing Director of Emerging Payments and Business Development at Citi. 

Jannah and Tony have a wide-ranging discussion on what would make a digital Pound a foundation for innovation and what attributes it should have. How do concepts like fungibility and interoperability support an ecosystem of digital Pounds? Regulated liabilities – what are they? What are different types of money? As well as Tony’s thoughts on stablecoins and the latest industry developments around them.


Jannah Patchay, Policy Lead and an Originating Member of the Digital Pound Foundation, speaks with Tony McLaughlin, Managing Director of Emerging Payments and Business Development at Citi, about the nature of digital currencies and their legal and technological attributes.

▶ What are different types of #money?
▶ How do #digitalcurrencies add to the mix?
▶ How do concepts like #fungibility and #interoperability support an ecosystem of digital Pounds?
▶ And regulated liabilities – what are they, and why do they matter? 

[00:00:00] Intro
[00:00:25] Tony's background and current role
[00:02:03] What does it mean to have a digital Pound?
[00:05:01] Is blockchain necessary for a successful digital Pound?
[00:08:57] Thoughts on stablecoins?
[00:17:03] What would make a digital Pound a foundation for innovation? What attributes should it have?
[00:20:13] What can we do with a digital Pound that we can’t do today?
[00:22:01] Programmability – how does this fit in?
[00:27:19] Regulated liabilities – what are they? What are different types of money?
[00:33:54] Regulated liabilities network and the digital money of the future
[00:37:02] Legal Instruments - in depth
[00:40:40] Conclusion

The Poundcast is the podcast of the Digital Pound Foundation, an independent member-led forum supporting the implementation of a well-designed digital Pound, and the development of a diverse and effective ecosystem for new forms of digital money in the UK.