Intro to Deepland - A Rescue Story

Season 2, Episode 1,   Sep 26, 2022, 08:04 PM

Addition to the sequel Flatland (Edwin Abbott, 1884) -> Sphereland (Dionys Burger, 1965). Deepland is an altered version of Sphereland, a metric space of expanding atoms that join behaviorally to form a dynamic inner web.

Introduction to the second season of the Toy-Physics podcast. The story in this second season - Deepland, a Rescue Story - can be thought of as a sequel to the historical fantasy stories Flatland, a Romance of Many Dimensions (Edwin Abbott, 1884) and Sphereland, a Fantasy About Curve Spaces & and Expanding Universe (Dionys Burger, 1965).  The full story - with additional materials - is told in a website blog -- (See