From a breakdown to a break through - moving into self employment with Jo Hooper

Episode 11,   Oct 10, 2022, 10:11 AM

This insightful and inspiring episode shares the highs and lows of Jo's journey and covers some difficult topics including depression and breakdowns but also break throughs.

Jo describes herself as an Edinburgh-based, Celtic history-obsessed, space holding 'firebrand'.  FYI, a firebrand is a person who is passionate about a cause, or a burning piece of wood and Jo sees herself as both.

After a burnout and breakdown in her employed role, Jo became successfully self-employed and has set up her own business - The Mad & Sad Club - where she now helps other people struggling with their mental health to get back on track and live their best life working for themselves, on their terms.

Join me every week to hear a new gem that you can take away to increase your confidence and enjoyment for running your own business and to help you learn new business skills to live your best life.

Resources: -
Connect with Jo Hooper
- Instagram -
- Freebie - affirmations for putting yourself first in business and an email auto responder template

Mental Health resources
- Shout - text service Free, 24/7 mental health text support in the UK
- Mind Home
- Samaritans Homepage
- IAPT - Increasing Access to Psychological Therapy - Google 'IAPT + your council area' NHS England » IAPT at 10: Achievements and challenges
- The Counselling Directory - to find a registered private therapist 
Counselling Directory - Find a Counsellor Near You

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