Oscar Rewind: Argo

Season 5, Episode 174,   Oct 03, 2022, 01:00 PM

And the Oscar goes to...ARGO. We finally made it to the end of the Oscar season and it really comes full circle for us here at We Have Thoughts. This movie may not be the best Best Picture winner, but it will also be a special one to the three of us. This Oscar season marked a decade of attempting to watch all the BP nominees for Ana and Crystal, and it was Crystal's very strong Ben Affleck opinion's that made us stop and think, "Hey, we should record these movie musings" that got us here today.

Enjoy this final episode* of the season! We'll be back with the current Oscar season in the new year. Stay tuned for more thoughts! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram and tell us your rankings!

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*Not so final because of an unavoidable error, but so keep an eye out for one more episode.

#BestPicture #BenAffleck #BestSupportingActor #AlanArkin #BestAdaptedScreenplay #BestOriginalScore #BestSoundEditing #BestSoundMixing #BestFilmEditing #Oscars2013 #2013Oscars #AcademyAwards #Oscars