We won the war against poverty

Oct 09, 2022, 07:45 PM

"I started from the idea that the organization of the city and its meeting spaces has a profound impact on society. So I collected the already existing examples of 'hostile architecture' taking them to the extreme, I imagined the worst possible scenario, where no type of aggregation is allowed if not linked to consumption. I took negativity to the extreme (the fight against poverty is won by physically eliminating the poor) and then, using a narrative device, a frame, I placed the 'time of terror' in the past, a time very different from the present presented as harmonious and inclusive. 

"The selected field recording is as calm, relaxing, sweet and welcoming as you can think of, a stark contrast - also in terms of sound - to the first part of the podcast that I imagine set in a large hall. Outside is harmony, nature and happiness. A beating heart represents the beating heart of the city, of society."

Zealandia reimagined by Cristina Marras.

Part of the Well-Being Cities project, a unique collaboration between Cities and Memory and C40, a global network of mayors of nearly 100 world-leading cities collaborating to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis. The project was originally presented at the C40 Cities conference in Buenos Aires in 2022. Explore Well-Being Cities in full at https://citiesandmemory.com/wellbeing-cities/