The Mysterious Sound of Nighttime

Season 2, Episode 1,   Oct 17, 2022, 10:00 AM

“I don’t know how else to say this, but I was kind of a weird kid …” Indeed. 

Host Christopher Wynn digs into his “shoebox of cassette tapes” for this special mini-episode to try and explain his fixation with sound, his love of all things strange and why he grew up to become a professional storyteller and make this podcast. 

Also, there’s a séance. And some “thirst for blood.” But it will all make sense. 


Strange was created by Christopher Wynn and Jason Reimer 

The show is edited and co-produced by Jeff Whittington 

Jason Reimer writes our music. Additional music courtesy of Talented Friends. Heard in this episode: Myopic’s “II Master” and “Home.” 

The old-time radio shows mentioned in this episode are The Shadow, Suspense and Inner Sanctum Mystery. You can stream compilations on

Logo by Rob Wilson

Strange is independent. Support the show at

Got a strange story? Email He responds to all messages. He also loves voice memos. 

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