Thursday, October 20: Trick-Or-Treat Candy Warning; Revisiting Chaz's Pizza Rant; Connecticut's Most Haunted Places

Oct 20, 2022, 03:34 PM

Attorney General William Tong was on to issue a warning to parents ahead of Halloween, and admitted he needs to buy more candy for Trick-or-Treaters because he's already opened the bags of candy he bought. (0:00)

A woman in Massachusetts released swarms of angry bees on police as they tries serving her with an eviction. (9:51)

Dumb Ass News - From just a week ago, Chaz was ranting about "serial complainers" after a video went viral from a Little Caesar's. Chaz continuously referred to it as Pizza Hut. (20:47)

The most haunted places in Connecticut. Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe to call in their experiences, and learned a lot about Seymour's "Hell House." (25:42) 

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