Lucidly Awake

Episode 71,   Nov 05, 2022, 03:38 PM

Hello my Friends!

I am just gettting up, so how about we discuss the world of Dreams. What is the dreaming consciousness? And how can we Be in it? How different is the waking consciousness? Can we learn anything from dreaming that can make being awake more fulfilling?

Afterwards, we will discuss some of the benefits of a Calm disposition over a Frustrated one in Problem Solving.

Finally, before we end with my Amazing Son, I will present a brief passage from the famed Zen Buddhist D.T. Suzuki!

This and much, much more on "The Ginger Bread Man"!

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Thank You So Much, I sincerely Appreciate your Attention and Ears!

Photo Credit: Izzy Rivi on Unsplash