The "It Factor" with Emily Ford, Brandless with Matt Durham, and an Encore with Amanda Holmes

Episode 248,   Oct 29, 2022, 04:00 PM

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Alan welcomes Emily Ford -  Founder of ITFactor with Emily Ford.  An ordinary girl from a small town.  Lots of turbulence growing up.  Wanted more in life like most people.  Sought out mentorship in her early ’20s.  Stepped into leadership at 26, now on a mission, to help ignite people, build skills and mindsets, to help create other leaders.  The world desperately needs leadership. Emily is a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you navigate through the world of business and entrepreneurship.  One of her hardest lessons is learning how to break generational curses.  Grew up in a lineage of divorce and alcoholism.  Broke.  She decided to take ownership of her life and break the patterns of beliefs and addictions.  Once she had great mentors and learned what a great relationship is, Emily went on a mission to heal herself from childhood trauma.  She will not carry patterns, or trauma because she has taken radical responsibility to break the chains.  Alan says we tend to make a lot of excuses as to who, what, and why.    What is the It factor?  The inner section that has shaped you, experiences, passion, personality, and strengths.    The past doesn't have to determine your future.  Step into the new.  Refining ourselves.  Up next is Matt Durham - President of Brandless.- Brandless is about getting products that are exceptional at accessible pricing.  Equal or better than.  Brand less live more! is their motto.  How to make an impact on the world and family. What is the core of the company? Products that you put in your body on your body or around your home that supports wellness.  Health and wellness.  Over the last year, 6 brands, focused on nutrition, personal care, home goods, and green cleaning supplies that are chemical-free, clean beauty.  Mission to make a difference and be better together.  Highly curated platform.  Better for you, your family, and the planet.  Closing out the show today is Amanda Holmes - CEO of Chet Holmes International.  Ultimate sales Machine.  Amanda relaunched the new and updated version of the book, Ultimate Sales Machine which was written by her father Chet Holmes.  It's considered to be the bible of business and sales.  Amanda added a chapter, or an encore, on how to live a rich and full life.  Through her journey of learning the family business that instead of doing 4000 things, just do 12 things 4000 times.  Later she discovered a letter written by her father that changed everything for her.  "All you need to succeed in business is to be pigheaded, disciplined, and determined", however, Amanda added the final piece to that statement, "All you need to succeed in business is to be pigheaded, disciplined, and determined to be the best version of you." 

  • [00:00:00] Guest Emily Ford
  • [00:05:54] Breaking Generational Curses
  • [00:12:00] Refining Ourselves
  • [00:18:51] Brandless
  • [00:29:28] Final Chapter of the Ultimate Sales Machine
  • [00:35:33] Best Version of You with Amanda Holmes