The Manmohan, the Myth, the Legend: Bluff Master and Coolie

Episode 141,   Dec 01, 2022, 03:05 AM

We celebrate the work of iconic masala director Manmohan Desai with two of his films, made twenty years apart. 

(INTERVAL (“Mujhe Pine Ka Shauk” from Coolie)

Next time: 2022 year-end

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#ManmohanDesai, #BluffMaster, #BluffMaster1963, #ShammiKapoor, #SairaBanu, #Pran, #LalitaPawar, #Coolie, #Coolie1983, #KaderKhan, #AmitabhBachchan, #RishiKapoor, #RatiAgnihotri, #ShomaAnand, #WaheedaRehman, #AmrishPuri, #AllahRakha