Why You Should Volunteer in Fashion + Storytime
Hi BOAF fam! In this episode, Victory shares insights into why volunteering/serving/interning in the fashion industry is beneficial for someone who wants to be a fashion entrepreneur. FREE RESOURCE FROM THE EPISODE: https://bit.ly/BOAF-volunteertemplate
Become a part of the community: https://bit.ly/BOAF-communityform
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Origin Story Episode - https://bit.ly/3axGxRV
Hi BOAF fam! In this episode, Victory shares insights into why volunteering/serving/interning in the fashion industry is beneficial for someone who wants to be a fashion entrepreneur.
Become a part of the community: https://bit.ly/BOAF-communityform
FREE RESOURCE: https://bit.ly/BOAF-volunteertemplate
Origin Story Ep: https://bit.ly/3axGxRV