Episode 50: Acronymphilia - from FEC to HERA to UUK
Season 1, Episode 50, Jan 09, 2023, 08:26 PM
The latest episode of the podcast (number 50! who would have thought we would make it this far) features Chris Hale, Director of Policy at Universities UK. Chris is not a registrar but is very well placed to talk about registrar-related stuff. We learn about his current role in policy and his career trajectory post graduation which saw him fill a number of temporary positions at Sussex University, the GMC and indeed UUK where he went on to secure a permanent role and has remained ever since. In 20 years at UUK he has filled most roles including a brief period acting as Chief Executive.
We explore a range of policy issues including fun with FEC, lobbying over HERA and sector agency rationalisation. Discussing the changed regulatory environment between Dearing and HERA we talk about the challenges for the OfS and the impact of all the additional expectations being loaded on to it by government. We also agree on the need for a fresh look at the role of the regulator, five years on, and for clarity on the future of the Designated Quality Body in England.
Finally we learn about his imminent departure for New Zealand and note that he is very much still on the look out for an HE policy job down under. One area Chris intends to explore further is the anthropology of HE and its acronyms - very fertile ground for research and I'm sure we all look forward to future publications. We will all want to wish Chris all the very best in his relocation to New Zealand.