Mashing up the Conversation on Grief

Episode 205,   Jan 10, 2023, 10:00 AM

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Today I’m joined by Amy S Choi and Rebecca Lehrer, co-founders and co-hosts of The Mash-Up American podcast, which features stories and interviews on the things that make us who we are: culture, relationships, and identity. I feel a kindred spirit for these two since Immigrantly bears many similarities. Starting in 2013, The Mash-Up American has been telling stories, from zany ones on ginger being the old-school viagra to thorny topics like sickness & death. Underlying these tales is the commitment to navigating the complexities of what they call “mash-up identity.” The interview is focused on their most recent series on grief. We talk about grief, how we can understand it without over-pathologizing the sentiment, and why it’s both universal and personal. What I loved most about the conversation was that we explored, kept it light, and kept it honest.   Join the conversation: Instagram | Twitter |  Please share the love and leave us a review to help more people find us! Host & Executive Producer: Saadia Khan I Content Writer: Yudi Liu & Saadia Khan I Editorial Review: Yudi Liu &Shei Yu  I Sound Designer & Editor: Haziq Ahmad Farid I Immigrantly Theme Music: Evan Ray Suzuki I Other Music: Epidemic Sounds