Tuesday January 17, 2023: A Song For Your Ex; Award Show Hot Takes; Stay Healthy

Jan 17, 2023, 02:37 PM

Youth sports can get competitive, but how far would you let a coach push your child to be the best?  One coach is in hot water over making his students go through a workout that most adults could never do! (:30)

If you’re a dog owner looking for drama, head to the dog park!  Producer Sean joined the Facebook group for his local dog park and he picked some of the craziest comments to share! (3:45)

If you’re carrying exact change in your pockets, that’s all I need to know about you!  Use your credit card like an adult! (7:05)

Buying a home can be difficult and these days the market is extremely competitive!  Anna has noticed that no matter what open house she goes too, the same type of people always show up… (10:26)

Is it ok to write a song about your ex?  Miley Cyrus has a new song out about her ex-husband, so Anna wanted Producer Jon to write a song about his ex! (14:12)

Have you ever wanted to seem more confident in the workplace?  Anna read an article about 4 phrases that may be making you seem weak! (18:03)

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories?  Anna and Raven will get you up to date on what’s trending, including the NFL player who may soon be out of a job! (21:45)

Are award shows officially a thing of the past?  Anna invited the entire show to give their hot takes on whether or not award shows should be cancelled! (25:16)

How do you stay healthy during the winter months?  Anna has been using some unconventional methods to keep herself healthy during the triple-demic! (28:36)

Lena and Jacob are engaged to be married. Lena thinks it's old fashion to take Jacob's last name and believes that it will become obsolete in the future. They don't even do it in Europe! Jacob thinks that his parents will have a major issue with this and there's a part of him that also respects tradition. His parents are already having a difficult time with the fact that he is marrying outside of their religion. What do you think? (36:13)

Jen thinks she’s got what it takes to beat Raven in pop culture trivia! Can she succeed and win the $2500 jackpot? (44:03)