RNIB's Bookshare Service Breaks The 1 Million Titles Barrier

Season 1, Episode 1544,   Jan 23, 2023, 10:00 AM

UK sight loss charity RNIB has a Bookshare service which provides over 1 million titles for people of all ages who are studying in the UK.

RNIB Connect Radio's Allan Russell spoke to Rochelle Pretsell, who runs the service, and Onyx, who is a teacher, to discuss the difference that accessible, free, books can make to blind and partially sighted pupils and students.

If you'd like more info on RNIB Bookshare, go to www.rnib.org.uk or call the Helpline on 0303 123 9999.


Image shows young girl with headphones on and using a tablet to look through RNIB's Bookshare page.