EP 136 Craig Pittman's Welcome to Florida: The '72 Dolphins

Season 1, Episode 5946,   Jan 21, 2023, 03:10 PM


The '72 Miami Dolphins (NFL's only unbeaten team)

Our guest this week is Marshall Jon Fisher, author of "Seventeen and Oh: Miami, 1972 and the NFL's Only Perfect Season." Fisher was a 9-year-old living in Miami in 1972, following the Dolphins' success week-by-week with his father and brother. He recalls the games,and looks at the societal backdrop of Miami and America at this time, which included Nixon's presidential re-election and the early phases of Watergate along with the late stages of the Vietnam War.  #stpetecatalyst #miamidolphins #dolphins #stpetecatalyst #craigpittman #florida #floridahistory #NFLHistory #marshalljonfisher #tampabay #radio #radiostpee