Low life expectancy in the north east, and what to do about it – with Alice Wiseman and Professor Clare Bambra

Episode 28,   Jan 28, 2023, 06:00 AM

Improvements to life expectancy slowed in the last decade, and in some communities even went into reverse.  

In England, the north east region has the lowest life expectancy. The last decade and a half has seen a worrying increase in mortality among younger people, and in particular men who are dying before their time. A big chunk of this excess mortality seems to be down to so called ‘deaths of despair’ – that’s deaths by suicide, violent injury and substance misuse. 

So what's going on? And what can be done about it?

To discuss, our chief executive Dr Jennifer Dixon is joined by:

  • Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health at Gateshead Council. 
  • Professor Clare Bambra, professor of public health at Newcastle University.

Show notes