EP 140: Craig Pittman's Welcome to Florida: Pensacola 2-25-26

Season 1, Episode 6045,   Feb 25, 2023, 02:30 PM



This episode begins in Eatonville, home of Zora Neale Hurston, where, not surprisingly, developers are up to no good. Our guest is lifelong Pensacola resident and longtime Pensacola newspaper reporter and editor Carl Wernicke. We discuss Pensacola's past, present and future, Matt Gaetz, what he loves about Pensacola, and how the city is, and isn't, changing. Craig's from Pensacola as well! #pensacola #florida #floridahistory #craigpittman #welcometoflorida #carlwernicke #stpetecatalyst #tampabay #radio #radiostpeteĀ