How Valid are You?

Episode 81,   Feb 26, 2023, 03:16 PM

Hello my Friends! Welcome Back!

With this nice weather how about we head outside? I know this really nice path just right behind the house. No, not that one; the one next to the Tire Swing right there. Next to all the pretty yellow daisies. Thank You for joining me, I always find it more pleasant to walk with company, beauty within beauty.

This week I want to talk about our approach to the present moment, specifically when it comes to how we validate our actions or responses. Can we ever invalidate ourselves? Perhaps not, but there is plenty of emotional baggage, some positive and some negative, that can impact the multitude of performance we find ourselves partaking in in this complex world.

I will be Forever grateful for your Attention and Ears, If you would like to talk please email me at

Photo Credit: Sigmund on Unsplash