Was the Xbox Series S a mistake?

Episode 423,   Feb 27, 2023, 06:31 AM

On Throwdown Your Questions Ep. 423, we answer questions about Xbox Series S, third-party games, AAA games, PSVR2, State of Play, GaaS, Capcom fighting games, licensed games, OpenAI, Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, and more!

Here are all of this week’s questions:

- Was the Xbox Series S a mistake?
- Why do some third-party games run better/worse on certain consoles?
- Why do AAA games get more attention than indies?
- Why hasn’t Sony abandoned VR?
- Why can’t gamers tell the difference between a Showcase and State of Play?
- When will publishers stop making GaaS titles?
- Will Capcom ever make fighting games with 2D visuals again?
- What are your favorite licensed video games?
- Why is no one talking about CoD getting hacked?
- Is Throwdown hard to please?
- Will VR or cloud gaming take off in the future?
- Will we ever see OpenAI make video games?
- Can Metal Gear Solid work without Kojima?
- What game will you play late into the night?

Thanks as always to Shawn Daley for our intro and outro music. Follow him on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/shawndaley

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