Children of the Corn V with Scott Seiss

Episode 167,   Mar 01, 2023, 09:00 AM

Comedian, Cocaine Bear star, and social media heavy hitter Scott Seiss joins in on the Cornboy fun with Team Kingcast for a particularly rowdy episode as the group examines the fifth (yes, fifth) entry into the Children of the Corn series. The discussion foolishly looks for logic where there is none to be found and has a damn good time doing it.

There are so many more Children of the Corn movies than you think there are. The Kingcast is already up to Part 5 and the movies are still in the late '90s. Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror follows a bunch of twentysomethings playing college kids on a road trip to scatter the ashes of their dead friend when they stumble upon a small town concealing, you guessed it, a weird youthful corn cult. This installment inexplicably stars Eva Mendes, David Carradine, Fred Williamson and at least two Zappa children.