On Track Investigations
Season 2, Episode 751, Mar 02, 2023, 06:23 AM
This interview highlights the range of workplace grievances that employers are responsible for addressing, such as bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, and assault. It also outlines productive measures an employer can take to create a safe workplace culture, including having a code of conduct, and policy framework, and enacting disciplinary action if appropriate.
To learn more about what Kristie Walker does, head to ontrackinvestigations.com.au
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#Yachting #YachtCrew #MentalHealth #Bullying #YachtingInternationalRadio
To learn more about what Kristie Walker does, head to ontrackinvestigations.com.au
@the_crew_coach Instagram
@thecrewcoach Facebook
#Yachting #YachtCrew #MentalHealth #Bullying #YachtingInternationalRadio