Thursday, April 6: Top Reasons To Live In CT; How Someone Got A Perfect Final Four Bracket; Eddie Van Halen Biographer Steve Rosen

Apr 06, 2023, 04:30 PM

Officer Joe had his own idea for a Top 10 list, but all the back-and-forth between Houston and Hartford led to a last second change. The Top 10 reasons to live in Connecticut immediately went to pizza, which caught Joe (and his stomach) off-guard. (0:00)

The perfect Final Four bracket seems impossible. Erin Sheehan was able to do it! She was on with Chaz and AJ to explain how she got there, and how much she could have won with a modest wager. (4:41)

Live Nation's Jimmy Koplik was on to talk about some recently announced concerts, and take calls and questions from the Tribe. (17:33)

Steve Rosen is the only person given permission by Eddie Van Halen to do an unauthorized biography. Steve explains the 17-year process, why Eddie asked him to wait that long, and why the Van Halen family has not commented on the work. (30:12)

Image Credit: Drew Carrano/Connoisseur Media