Episode 56: The Bloodspicer

Jan 13, 2015, 04:00 AM

Jeff and Christian welcome Alex Berg from UCB Theatre, Key & Peele, Reno 911, and more back to the show to discuss Call of Duty in China, no Nintendo in Brazil, 2400 MS-DOS games emulated in your browser, the WGA writing awards for video games, Blizzard's Overwatch trademark troubles, WoW's "Veteran Mode" and more!

For the Playlist, Alex is playing The Swapper and Dragon Age: Inquisition, Christian is playing Far Cry 4, and Jeff describes raiding Highmaul in WoW: Warlords of Draenor.

In Tabletop Time, Alex loves cooperative deduction in Hanabi, and Jeff introduces his wife to Caverna, and his nephew to Monza.

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