Episode 53: Guile with Hammer Pants

Dec 15, 2014, 09:45 PM

Jeff and Christian welcome Kevin Pereira from G4's Attack of the Show and Supercreative.tv's Pointless Podcast to the show this week to discuss the Oculus's new VR acquisitions, a father who made his son play video games in chronological order, Charlie returning to SF5, pre-ordering games, and more.

In the Playlist, Kevin is playing Shadow of Mordor, Bittrip Runner 2, and Destiny, Christian bought Driveclub, and Jeff is thrilled with endgame in Warlords of Draenor.

For Tabletop Time, Kevin and Jeff discuss Mysterium, and Jeff loves Red7 and offers up some more easy board game gift ideas.

All that, plus YOUR phone calls!

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