Episode 29: I'm The Other Vita Guy!

Jun 30, 2014, 08:00 PM

Jeff and Christian welcome Ryan O'Donnell from Area 5 to the show this week, to talk about YouTube going 60 FPS, Games Done Quick raising over $700,000 for charity, a new world record speed run for Super Mario Bros, Minecraft's astonishing console sales number, Crytek's possible problems, DOTA International's $10 million prize pool, and more.

In the Playlist, all three guys have been playing Shovel Knight, but on different consoles and with different controllers/ Christian is on a huge retro gaming kick, Ryan is addicted to Titanfall, and Jeff is even more in love with Wildstar.

For Tabletop Time, Jeff addresses the number one question he gets, namely, the best introductory board games for 2 players.

All that, plus YOUR phone calls!

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