Sober guys chatting with Paul Briley & Tony Worsdall

Episode 231,   Apr 28, 2023, 09:39 AM

Janey chats to Sober Club coaches Tony Worsdall and Paul Briley on their free session for guys to chat freely about their relationship with alcohol

Janey gives a reminder of choosing to be alcohol free this bank holiday weekend, and touches on just how exciting it is to find your purpose after you have ditched the booze.

Is it time to get the guys chatting?

A few of Janey’s trained Sober Coaches are hosting this free session on zoom 

Friday 12 May at 7.45pm Uk time, open to all to encourage more guys to talk about their relationship with alcohol, or the issues they face when they stop drinking

Its free, and you don’t have to be a member of The Sober Club, just register and you will receive the zoom link.   You can be sober curious, or have been sober for years, of course its open to all, women come and down and share your thoughts!

More info and link to register

Don’t forget Family Constellations is very free-ing and helpful on your Sober journey whatever stage you are at.

Join us Friday 12 May in Herts, for a small group 11-4 lunch included 

Email janey for payment details janey at

Or message via social media @janeyleegrace

The next main workshop is Sat May 20 in York 

More info and the payment link for that one –

Join us in The Sober Club for accountability, support and inspiration

If you’re interested in becoming a Sober Club coach focusing on positive sobriety and holistic living check out The Sober Coach training, message Janey and she can set up a call 
Follow Janey on social media
Email Janey at
#sobrietyrocks #thesoberclub