Wednesday, May 3: What's Your Bone To Pick?; How Far AI Has Progressed; Elevator Etiquette

May 03, 2023, 03:39 PM

What's your bone to pick? Comedian Paul Virzi has a podcast with fellow comedian Rob Kelly titled "Bone to Pick," where they vent on nonsense moments that drive them crazy. The Tribe called in a lot of driving pet peeves, but gave Paul plenty of content for their next episode. 

Steve Greenberg, the Gadget Guy, called in to talk about the emergence of AI and how far it has progressed. The original creator from Google had to walk away because of his concerns with the direction it was taking, and the horrifying growth it has exhibited with virtually zero limitations. 

More calls from the Tribe about what drives them crazy, including a lot of elevator etiquette. Chaz shared a story from a recent trip to Vegas, and Phil had a run-in with Geraldo Rivera while traveling for his honeymoon. 

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