Wednesday May 10, 2023: Your Mom is the Best, But…; Let Me Give You The Tour; Wellness Wednesday

May 10, 2023, 01:32 PM

Is there a food you wouldn’t eat, no matter how hungry you are?  Anna would never eat a bug, but Producer Sean refuses to eat a well known delicacy! (:33)

It can be hard to fit exercise into your schedule, but Anna found some great tips on how to do some quick, easy things throughout the day to start burning calories! (4:20)

If you’ve been standing in line for a while and still don’t know your order when it’s your turn, that’s all I need to know about you! (8:17)

Everyone has got a great story about their mom, but they can’t all be true right?  Anna invited the entire show to tell a story about their mom and guess if that story is fact or fiction! (11:37)

When people come to your house for the first time, do you offer them a tour?  Anna has always felt uncomfortable touring someone’s home, but she’s about to have to do it constantly! (19:17)

What does your “mom rage” look like?  Every mom loses their cool every once in a while, so Anna and Raven asked some kids to describe what their moms do when they get mad! (25:50)

Your mom is the best, but nobody has a perfect record, right? Anna and Raven want to hear about the time that your mom fell a little bit short of perfection! (29:39)

Fred and Alissa's daughter is in second grade. Because it's Teacher Appreciation Week, the class mom requested $10 from each child to cover a gift from the class. Alissa always gives her own gift, a more expensive, personal one. Fred thinks that it looks bad that she does that. It's like she's sucking up to the teacher and should just contribute the same that every other child does. What do you think? Is it sucking up to buy your own gift when there's a class collection?  (35:49)

Jill has got a shot at 100 bucks!  All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia! (42:07)