Tuesday, May 16: Tribe Slingshot/BB Gun Stories; The Latest Rock Memorabilia Up For Auction

May 16, 2023, 05:04 PM

A kid went viral for saving his sister from a kidnapping, by hitting the perp with his slingshot. Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe to share their stories of using slingshots or bb guns, but with far less heroics. (0:00)

Julien's Auctions has acquired a wealth of rock memorabilia for their latest auction, including some exclusive Slash items. Martin Nolan was on the phone with Chaz and AJ to talk about some of the exciting (and maybe undervalued) items available for bidding. Plus, more bb gun stories! (8:22)

It was impossible to move on from the slingshot/bb gun topic, just based on the volume of calls. Chaz and AJ continued to take calls from the Tribe that involved arrests, injury and a personal story from Chaz that was not as heart-warming for everyone else as it was for him. (24:00)

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