Midweek Takeaway with Callum Sommerton, CEO of Chill Brands (LSE:CHLL)

Season 5, Episode 57,   May 18, 2023, 03:08 PM

Phil Carroll and Kevin Hornsby talk to Callum after the news that Chill has partnered with The Vaping Group, a leading sales and marketing agent, to launch its nicotine-free vapor products in the UK market. The Vaping Group has a significant presence in UK vape stores and can access thousands of independent convenience stores. With the UK vaping market expected to reach nearly £4.5 billion by 2027, Chill Brands is optimistic about its product's commercial prospects. Following UK sales establishment, there are plans to expand into the European market, currently valued over £8 billion. Product sales are slated to start in Summer 2023, including disposable devices with high puff counts that are more competitive and sustainable. Chill Brands looks forward to leading the nicotine-free vapor device market in the UK and Europe.

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