Tuesday May 30, 2023; Helluva Story; Dumb Arguments; Platonic Relationships

May 30, 2023, 01:38 PM

Are you still using a loofah in the shower? You might not anymore when you hear this statistic! (0:30)

The National Spelling Bee is trending, and we have the reason why! Could you spell half of these words that these kids can? (2:49)

If you constantly do this to people, that’s all I need to know about you. (6:50)

Rose shares her Helluva Story with Anna & Raven about a crazy online relationship. (9:44)

Who had the dumbest argument over the weekend? You decide! (13:44)

Someone called and asked us a question about whether it's possible for a former ex to remain a friend after the breakup. What are your thoughts? Catch up with the podcast to get her full story! (17:44)

Anna took her daughter to see Taylor Swift over the weekend and has a recap of what happened. Was it worth it? (12:43)

Couples Court: Tara and Brad are getting married and Brad's mother refuses to attend the wedding. She has never gotten over the fact that Tara cheated on her son earlier in their relationship. She declined their wedding invitation. Brad wants Tara to go talk to her and try to change her mind, but Tara says no. It's old news, she's never going to change her mind about her, should she try one last time? (28:43)

Does Sue have what it takes to beat Raven and win herself the $900 jackpot?! (38:07)

If you’re hosting a child’s birthday party, should you have alcoholic beverages available for the parents? (42:16)