United Way WCT Food Farmacy Pt. 2 - Westport Pride/Westport Museum Oral History Project - CT Dept of Education Teacher Recruitment/Diversity Initiative

Jun 04, 2023, 12:15 PM

We're wrapping up our 2-part series focusing on United Way of Western CT and its partnership with Nuvance Health on an innovative "Food Farmacy" - a community-based site designed to increase access to and consumption of healthful foods for those individuals across western and southwestern Connecticut diagnosed with obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and/or hypertension.

Then we'll be putting some Pride Month focus on a new and unique collaboration between Westport Pride and the Westport Museum for History & Culture - an Oral History Project aiming to fulfill the museum's mission to "make history whole" by bringing to light the hidden narratives of marginalized groups, with a specific focus on the LGBTQ+ community.

And we'll close with the Education Diversity Coordinator from the CT Dept of Education - discussing a multi-faceted and well-funded commitment to fortify our state's teaching force, while expanding the diversity of educators for the benefit of all the children and youths who will learn from them.