Roxie Nafousi on Battling Toxic Positivity and How Manifesting Works
Jun 14, 2023, 12:30 AM
Roxie Nafousi is a Sunday Times double best-selling author thanks to her acclaimed books on manifestation, as well as a renowned self-development coach and inspirational speaker – and after this episode, you’ll definitely understand why.
Roxie speaks candidly to Liz and Jordan about growing up as an Iraqi Muslim in a predominantly white area, how experiencing racism during the Iraqi War as a young child led to self-loathing and rejection, as well as how she still battles that today.
Roxie also discusses being new to happiness, her thoughts on how to defend against toxic positivity and of course, an intro to manifesting and how vision boards actually work.
Follow Roxie @roxienafousi and for Good Culture it’s @goodcultureinc
Follow Roxie @roxienafousi and for Good Culture it’s @goodcultureinc