UK Games Expo Report 2023
You'll need at least two brews and a whole packet of Hob Nobs while go on and on about UK Games Expo 2023.
It’s that time again! We went on the road in a charabanc and headed to England’s 4th City, Birmingham, for the UK Game Expo 2023.
We report on the games we played, the people we saw and the stuff we bought in a spectacular weekend.
Learn how we became Pookie Porters carrying his impressive haul, which can be seen revealed on this video.
There is also news from our bar-side chat with Paul Fricker and his podcast recommendation of Filthy Ritual, the true crime podcast. He has also written about it on his substack.
Dirk participated in a panel of fellow podcasters with the RPG Repair Shop. There is an edited sample featured here, but if you want more, then listen at Frankenstein’s RPG.
If you would like to support the podcast, then please support us on Patreon. Thanks.