Ethics Matters: Corporate Governance and CFOs

May 07, 2023, 08:51 PM

Ethics Matters: Corporate Governance and CFOs," the podcast where we dive deep into the critical intersection of corporate governance.

Welcome to “Ethics Matters: Corporate Governance and CFOs,” the podcast where we dive deep into the critical intersection of corporate governance, ethics, and the role of CFOs. I’m your host, Adrian Lawrence.

Let’s begin by discussing the significance of corporate governance and ethical considerations in today’s business landscape. How do CFOs approach these topics, and what role do they play?

Corporate governance and ethics are vital to building trust and maintaining the integrity of an organisation. As CFOs, we play a crucial role in upholding high ethical standards and ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies. We actively participate in establishing and monitoring governance frameworks, promoting transparency, and fostering a culture of integrity throughout the company.

Absolutely. CFOs are responsible for providing accurate and transparent financial reporting, which is a cornerstone of good governance. We collaborate closely with boards of directors, audit committees, and other stakeholders to strengthen governance practices and maintain a strong ethical foundation. Our role extends beyond financial matters, as we also contribute to sustainability initiatives, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility efforts.

Sustainability and ESG reporting have gained significant attention in recent years. How do CFOs incorporate these considerations into their financial strategies and decision-making?

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