Creating an equal and diverse workplace in the NHS

Season 11, Episode 57,   Jun 28, 2023, 11:01 PM

In this episode we mark NHS England’s new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) improvement plan, taking a look at what lies behind a successful approach. Susan Bahl hears from NHS Providers workforce senior policy officer Olli Potter on some of the key EDI challenges.

She also talks to the head of EDI at Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Arfan Bhatti, who describes their 'Roadmap to inclusion' and some of the tangible steps they've put in place to support EDI at Kings.

And there's an update from NHS Providers’ Race Equality programme lead Asmina Islam Chowdhury, who explains why we introduced our race equality programme for trusts, its aims, and how it’s helping trust boards.