How to figure out your mission (and what to do if you don’t feel worthy)

Season 3, Episode 15,   Jul 04, 2023, 07:53 AM

How to figure out your mission and purpose... (and what to do if you don’t feel worthy of that)

I'm fresh back from adventuring in the Lake District in my camper van, and full of renewed vigour for my mission and purpose.

In this conversation I'm going to share with you exactly how I come up with my personal mission for my business - including the exact questioning sequence.

And if you feel the Imposter Syndrome rising when you think about whether you're worthy or good enough for that mission and purpose, I'm going to help you break away from that too.

Enjoy the conversation, and I'd love to get your thoughts on this one!
And if you’d like my help to ditch your Imposter Syndrome I have a very special invitation.

The doors are open NOW for the very first Imposter to Impact Academy.

This is a small group cohort of like-minded women, where I’m going to teach you the Imposter to Impact System, so you discover how to stand in your own power and authority.

You’ll even learn how to blow your own trumpet authentically 🎺

If you’d like to be with us, send me a message and we can have a chat.

Or you can check out the programme here -

#impostersyndrome #femalefounders #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleleaders #womeninbusiness