Stepping into a sober identity...and fave guest clips

Episode 244,   Jul 28, 2023, 12:20 PM

Janey shares some thoughts around stepping into your new identity and there is another chance to hear some fave podcast guest clips including Jason Vale and Denise Welch

Janey chats about the time it takes to step into your new identity as someone who is alcohol free, it doesn't happen instantly, we are literally like a new person! (fortunately we usually like ourselves a lot more!) and we do need to prep before social occasions so that we can handle the shocked faces of others, and the 'sober shamers' with ease.

Thanks for sharing your favourite podcasts from the huge archive (we're coming up to 250 episodes!) and to kick us off here are some clips that have been re-run a couple of times, because - well they're gems.
Listen to Jason Vale, Denise Welch and more...

Let me know which were you favourite episodes, or even something that was said on them, and we will share again.

Don't forget connection is key, whatever stage you're at, join us in The Sober Club for support, inspiration and accountability, we have members on Day 1 through to year 7

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Check out events on The Sober Club for our retreat at Champneys Sept 30
Thinking of training to be a Sober Coach?
Only a few places left on our next training starting on Oct 6-7 message Janey for a chat 