RNIB Connect Voices Round Up 12 July 2023

Season 2, Episode 50,   Jul 12, 2023, 08:00 AM

Jemma Davidson, RnIB Customer Voice Insight Coordinator shares the latest opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to get involved in with RNIB Connect Radio’s Toby Davey.

Opportunities highlighted this week included:

Living Well with Sight Loss Parent Pathways Course - New Structure and Sessions
Parent Pathways is part of the Children Young Person and Families team’s offer for parents and carers of children with vision impairment. 
This used to be delivered as a 6-week course but, after feedback the structure has been changed so that parents can now select from a range of options to suit their specific needs:
• First Steps covers early support around diagnosis and gives families the chance to meet and share experiences over a two-week period.
• Focus on... sessions are one-off, 90 minute presentations on specific topics, such as education, finances and play.
All sessions are free to attend, take place online and are facilitated by RNIB Family Support Officers.
New dates are now on the RNIB website — any families wanting to book can do so by visiting — https://www.rnib.org.uk/pathways

Redesigning the World of Magic: Magic For People With Visual Impairments.
For centuries the visual nature of magic performances has limited the participation of individuals with blindness, preventing them from fully experiencing the wonder and joy this art form offers. In the unique situation where magicians encounter someone without sight, they are challenged to reimagine their tricks and find innovative ways to engage the other senses, such as touch, sound, and even smell. At the MAGIC Lab with Dr. Gustav Kuhn, psychology professor at the University of Plymouth and director of research, their mission is to do just that: to level the playing field and create a space where everyone can experience the allure and excitement of magic. They aim to show that the importance of creating magic for individuals with blindness goes beyond the immediate impact on their lives, as it also represents a transformative force that can reshape our world into a more inclusive and compassionate place. This project will empower this community to participate in artistic expression, promoting learning and well-being while challenging societal norms and stereotypes surrounding blindness. To ensure the success of this endeavour, Tyler and Dr Gustav are committed to recruiting volunteers from the blind community with various types of visual impairments and ages. Those interested in participating will take part in a virtual conversation with Tyler and will be asked some thoughtfully crafted questions regarding their experience living with visual impairment and general perceptions and thoughts about magic performances. The discussions should last roughly 45 minutes, and participants need no prior experience with magic! In fact, during or after each call, Tyler will personally teach each volunteer a simple yet powerful trick that they can immediately perform for anyone – anytime, anywhere.

If you are interested in their research you can either email gibgot@usc.edu or calling +1 818 416 2467 (as this is a USA phone number call charges will apply).

To find out more about these Connect Voices opportunities and how you can get involved with RNIB Connect Voices do visit - https://www.rnib.org.uk/connect-community/connect-voices-network/connect-voices-current-opportunities

Image: RNIB Connect Radio Bright Green 20th Anniversary Logo