Friday July 21, 2023: Dumb Family Argument; House Rules; Mommy’s Margarita Friday

Jul 21, 2023, 02:00 PM

Changing seats on a plane is always a tricky situation, especially when a mother is asking you because she wants to be closer to her kids.  But in this situation, it may have been ok to tell her no! (:30)

Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week!  This week, Raven may have cost Alicia the chance to become a millionaire! (4:20)

Customer service employees have a thankless job, so if you’re rude to them, that’s all I need to know about you! (8:20)

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including Anna’s review of the new Barbie movie! (11:50)

Have you ever had a dumb family argument?  Raven and his wife are having a fight over whether there are bears living near their house! (16:00)

What are your house rules?  Anna’s husband Paul has some crazy ones, so she had him call in to share some! (22:32)

It’s time for Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  Moms (and Dads) share all the crazy things that their kids have put them through this week that have definitely earned them a margarita! (30:16)

Dawn and Neil have a son who is 17 years old. He was recently fired from his job for vaping on the grounds. Neil wants to punish his son by taking away his car for two weeks. Dawn says you can’t take away his car because he bought it with his own money and pays for his own insurance. Do you have the right to take away something as punishment if you didn’t buy it for your child? (33:19)

Chad has got a shot at $700! All he has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia! (42:25)