Befriending the Broken Parts of Your Soul with God

Jul 26, 2023, 08:00 AM

How do we befriend the broken parts of us without allowing the broken parts to break us? How do we care for the pieces of our stories we aren’t ready to draw near to?

Our pain wants someone or something to blame. If we keep our pain far enough away from us, then we don’t have to deal with it and we think it becomes someone else's problem. We can’t take responsibility for anyone else's actions or reactions. However, we can take responsibility for ours. 

When we continue to blame someone for something they did instead of forgiving them, we become physiologically dependent on the person we are blaming.

In this episode, I talk through three steps we can take to stop blaming others that have hurt us and start taking responsibility for healing our souls with God's help.

Rooting for you, 

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Learn how to deal with your emotions in a biblical way. 
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Taking the First Step
Do you have a hard time accepting God’s love and believing He is good to you and not just good to others?

Do you have a hard time forgiving those who hurt you?

Do you wrestle with anxiety, racing thoughts, burnout, and feeling like you are at the end of your rope?

Do you find yourself being in pain and stuck in the past?

Do you constantly question whether it’s God’s voice, the enemy, or your voice?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, it’s time to join me in my Spiritual Growth Mentorship.

Five weeks of your first necessary steps to invite God’s presence into your pain!

It’s the mentorship you need with the accountability you didn’t know you needed.

Learn how God’s love can transform you from hurting to hopeful.
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