10 Life Lessons From The Stoic Master Seneca (Stoicism)

Episode 1,   Jul 28, 2023, 10:00 AM

In this video we will be talking about The 10 Stoic Life Lessons from the Stoic master, Seneca. Seneca was a prominent Roman philosopher who published several essential works about Stoicism. His widely popular collection of writings, Letters from a Stoic, contains his view of what the good life is and how to attain it. 

So here are 10 important lessons that we can learn from Seneca.
01. Exercise your mind daily
02. Heal Yourself
03. When Hungry Eat, When Tired Sleep
04. Seek your own Applause 
05. Learn the art of contentment 
06. Live for others
07. Boldly face the struggles of life
08. Find an anchor, be an anchor
09. Don’t just live long, live wide
10. Create your own philosophy

Hope you enjoyed this video and find these insights helpful. 

Seneca was a stoic philosopher and rhetorician. He counselled Emperor Nero, and is often credited with rendering Stoicism more accessible to a larger audience. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. Even though it is over 2000 years old, more and more people are discovering how Stoicism is not only relevant to modern times, but can be applied in very simple, yet strong ways.