International Women In Maritime Day 2023

Season 2, Episode 786,   Jul 31, 2023, 02:20 PM

Celebrate the IMO "International Day for Women in Maritime" with an honest and eye-opening discussion on the realities of being a woman in the maritime industry. Join us as women from diverse sectors and corners of the world come together to share their experiences, offering fresh and enlightening perspectives. Don't miss this opportunity to gain new insights into the challenges and triumphs faced by women in maritime.

Insights from:

Marien Sarriera, Founder/Owner Yachts Mermaids, Superyacht crewmember, Advocate for seafarer rights focusing on work and sexual harassment and abuse. Coaching women to further their careers.
Sabine Zeller, Master Mariner from Germany, IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador, and Executive Secretary of Germany’s competent body for maritime training.
Kim Asher, Prominent (trans)woman in the offshore sector. Worked in Senior management and technical roles in renewable energy and oil and gas, both offshore and onshore.
Koni Duniya, Former Mariner and Regulatory Advisor from Nigeria, working in the oil & energy industry. Campaigning and coaching women to find maritime jobs.
Wendy Clark, Superyacht Captain from Florida USA, teacher and campaigner for women in yachting.
Nancy LumbanBatu, Assistant Professor from Jakarta Indonesia, with particular interest in multiculturalism and gender issues onboard ships.
Karine Rayson, Owner of The Crew Coach, worked on Superyachts before furthering her education in Social Science, Organisational and Applied Psychology and Collective Entrepreneurship in Australia.
Eva Lianne Veldkamp, Former Mariner from the Netherlands. IMO Policy Coordinator for Dominica Maritime Administration. Leading a COPE° working group on psychological safety, bullying, sexual assault and harrassement in the maritime sector.

Rhea Rouw, Owner/Founder, YIR. A media source for the maritime industry with over thirty years of experience, telling it the way it is, and not afraid to stand up to the status quo!

Please feel free to reach out to any one of us if you have any insights or questions! We are all willing to go the extra mile to help women in maritime achieve their goals!

#Yachting #YachtCrew #SuperYachts #Maritime, #Shipping #LNG #OffShore #Fisheries #Boating #Sailing #MerchantMarine #Mariner #Seafarer #Women #Equality #WomenInMaritime #IMO #YachtingInternationalRadio #NorthEastMaritimeInstitute #NEMO #COPE @SeafarersRights