Why is Hypnotherapy so Taboo?

Episode 2,   Aug 22, 2023, 03:00 PM

In this episode we give a brief overview of our experience with hypnotherapy and Chantelle's background growing up in the same homeschooled cult as the Dugger family who is featured in the documentary "Shiny Happy People".

She also shares how Hypnotherapy helped her process her grief journey after the loss of her two siblings and recover from PTSD.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to access the subconscious mind and is misunderstood because it can be used for good or bad. 

The more we understand it, the more we can feel safe and empowered. 

Welcome to Hypnotica, a space for you to lie back, relax, and receive support through conversation about what it means to uncover the truest, realest version of who you are as a creative, sexual being. 

We are passionate about Hypnotherapy and Writing Erotica. Our highest values are Creativity, Acceptance, Freedom, Authenticity, Respect and Equality. 

Our intention is to provide others with personalized strategies, just as individual as choosing an outfit while shopping. Giving permission to pivot towards your preferences in every aspect of life. 

We’re Chantelle, a hypnotherapist, and Melissa, an erotica writing sex coach. We believe you do not need to be fixed; you only need to be accepted and loved for who you are, and everyone — including and especially you — has the inner resources you need to step into that reality with true love and power.

We also believe loving our creative, sexual expression is the ultimate form of self love. When we fall in love with the very essence of who we are we're free to open into the intimate, loving, adventurous shame-free sexual experience we crave.
Chantelle’s gift is listening 1:1 and helping people connect with their subconscious mind in order to release trapped emotion comfortably so that they can create a life that makes their heart sing. 
Melissa’s gift is to show you how writing offers you the space to explore desire, curiosities, pleasure, emotions, and gives a voice to deeper issues that come up when sexually engaging with someone.
We’re so happy you’re here.
Stay in touch with us: 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindfulregeneration/ 
Book an appointment here 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strawberrysmutcakes/
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