[Cheryl Hunter] We Are Not Our Bodies

Episode 31,   Aug 25, 2023, 06:03 AM

*Content warning: kidnapping, abduction, rape, child abuse, stalking, trafficking, and suicidal ideation

Cheryl Hunter is television writer and producer, as well as a survivor advocate. Her efforts have been seen on NBC, CNN, Dr. Oz, The TED Talk stage, and many more major media platforms. But her journey of sharing about her traumatic abduction and assaults did not begin immediately. On this episode of What Came Next, listen to Cheryl share what propelled her to finally be open about her trauma, and what compels her to continue to speak out on behalf of victims everywhere. 

Cheryl’s website

USE IT: Turn Setbacks into Success

Cheryl’s Instagram

Information about Wabi Sabi

Much gratitude to this week’s sponsor, Hello Fresh. Don’t forget to visit HelloFresh.com/50wcn for 50% off plus free shipping on your first order!