News With My Fiancé - Thursday, August 24th, 2023

Season 3, Episode 20,   Aug 24, 2023, 09:17 PM


Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer 

Host Check In
It’s picture day!!! Maga Daddy is headed to Fulton County Jail to start his 60 Days In, I mean, turn himself in.


    • (00:20:30) Billio naire-backed landlords, lobby the Supreme Court to take up their rent control reversal case.  

    • (00:40:04) Police lied about a murder captured on camera AND water is wet.


    • (00:56:02) Portland’s universal scapegoat, Jo Ann Hardesty, settled her lawsuit against the city. And Tevis even had someone write 1/2 an apology to her!
Playlist: List the songs played on today’s show

  • The Weeknd - I Can’t Feel My Face

  • Curls Instrumental - MF Doom

  • The Gorillaz - DARE

  1. (00:12:43) In a contest to see who will finish in second place all you end up with is a big pile of "number two."
  2. (00:28:14) Good morning! We're out here hearing you! Vacancy tax!
  3. (00:46:25) Funny that name danielle outlaw. I think that it's in their leadership. Daniel outlaw Learned here in portland oregon how to get around cameras. But these cops forget that human beings have cameras.
  4. (00:51:41) An armed police officer in a fully equipped cruiser who says an unarmed person made him fear for his life is in the wrong line of work.
  5. (00:54:44) Fiance it's not fear and scared it's self-gratification hidden behind qualified immunity.
  6. (01:10:03) The disconnected not doing the work and actually knowing what the work is yes, Jo Ann's quite a queen and Portland Oregon is better for her WORK! The system relies on our ignorance
  7. (01:13:38) Falling deeper in love with y'll this morning, fiancé. this morning Fiance, !! thursday🎶 love
  8. Fiance are you even on there today
  9. You can also thank Willamette week for all the racist right-winged coverage they've been running and everything they did to trash, Jo Ann Hardesty's name
  • Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems

  • Poverty is a policy choice

  • People Over Profits

  • Power to the People

  • None of us are free until we are all free